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Writer's picturePooja Kaushik

5 Reasons why Extracurricular Activities are important

Updated: Mar 29, 2022

Universities receive so many applications on daily basis. To make your application stand out what you should do? To impress your university recruitment team what you should do? To get admission in your dream college what you should do?

Do something extra, which other students aren’t doing. It is the ‘extra’ which makes your ordinary application become an extraordinary application. This ‘extra’ is achieved by taking part in extracurricular activities which will be beneficial for you in the longer run.

Here are the 5 reasons why participating in Extracurricular activities would be useful:

Builds an appealing profile

Any student can get good grades, but not every student aspires to come out of their comfort zone and put extra efforts. Joining a school club or taking part in competitions on district or national level will give extra weightage to your university application. This will help you in building a strong profile and reflects your dedication in your interested field.

Boosts your learning and creativity skills

Learning is a never-ending process. And by engaging in co-curricular activities, such as public speaking, MUN, debates etc., you enhance your knowledge, thus giving yourself an edge over other students who limited themselves to academic knowledge only.

University Application stands out

University recruitment team prefers a student who has some additional skills besides academic grades. And this is best shown through extracurricular activities, such as leading a project or interning with an organization or researching in your intended field.

Expand your network

When you come out of your classroom and join a new club, you meet people and trainers with similar interests. This not only expands your horizon but also let you create a social network with worthy and experienced people.

Enhance your CV

Your experience of any extracurricular activity will be useful throughout your career. Whether you are applying for your post grad degree or for a senior level job- achievements and experiences make your CV stand out as compared to other applicants. Participate in co-curricular activities and start your journey towards a successful career.

TAKE AWAY : You can make your university application extraordinary by taking part in the following extracurricular activities:

  • Join school clubs

  • Participate in competitions, like extempore, debate etc.

  • Manage and lead a project

  • Attend workshops, seminars, and other events

About the Author

Pooja Kaushik is a communication and marketing manager who loves to explore people and places. She has a master’s degree in literature and international relations. Her alma mater is University of Delhi, Charles University (Czech Republic) and National Chengchi University (Taiwan). She has collaborated with various educational and cultural organizations in different countries in the field of branding and outreach.

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